Cotton Medicine
a medicine of song, spirit, survival & freedom
I didn't go lookin' for her. She simply came to me as a woman with prayer-leaves in her heart, tear-streams on her cheeks, a blood-red river runnin' down her dress, and moth wings on her shoulders.
She was shaped by an embodied angel's hands and sent to me, accompanied by precious treasures --
an essence, a feather, a medicine, and a boll of cloud filled with seeds.
She was so beautiful and sacred -- I wasn't sure how to touch her.
In time, we met in a field, and then she took root just outside my door. She grew and flowered, and we sat together for hours as I asked questions and she gave answers.
Here, I offer her words as she gave them to me. I've done my best not to translate or give commentary, but simply offer the Medicine as she gave it. It's difficult to capture her voice --
her tone and way of speaking. It's difficult to capture her essence and beauty and personality,
but I must try. She wants to be known, and so, I am willing to make the sacrifice of something being lost so that much more can be gained.
She is beautiful in spirit -- full of joy but also wisdom.
Receive her as she came and as she gave and as she is given --
full of compassion and overflowing with prayers and good wishes.